Learn Hiragana comprehensively!

Thank you for watching my YouTube channel!

In this course, I have put together the videos in a systematic and comprehensive way,

so you can learn Hiragana in the correct order.

1. Sing along and Learn!

Let's memorize Hiragana while singing Hiragana songs!

2. Read and Answer!

Let's try the Hiragana quiz!

3. Write and Practice!

Let's practice writing Hiragana using original worksheets!

Original Hiragana Worksheets

This is the only place where you can get the original worksheets!

Course curriculum

    1. Let's set your goals for learning Japanese!

    1. Sing along and Learn!

    2. Sing out loud with Karaoke!

    3. Read and Answer!

    1. Sing along and Learn!

    2. Sing out loud with Karaoke!

    3. Read and Answer!

    1. Sing along and Learn!

    2. Sing out loud with Karaoke!

    3. Read and Answer!

    1. Learn!

    2. Read and Answer!

    1. Learn!

    2. Read and Answer!

About this course

  • Free
  • 24 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content